Friday, May 23, 2014

Time to Garden!

Our students here at Lakota Waldorf School have started their garden! We feel it is important for our students to learn with head, hand, and heart. The connection with nature will provide healthier living for our students. We here at Lakota Waldorf School eat organic, and our garden plays a big part in our year. The students have planted various fruits and vegetables a couple of months ago in preparation for this warmer time of year. It is a really good feeling to watch the children enjoy digging in the dirt and planting with smiles on their faces. We thank you for your continued support as the end of the school year comes to a close.

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Visit our Website: Lakota Waldorf School
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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A lot has been happening here at Lakota Waldorf!

The children are excited to see their plants start to grow. With warmer weather around the corner we are starting to plan for our garden. It is a great time here at Lakota Waldorf School to witness the children get excited to see their plants grow larger with each passing week. Soon we will have the garden tilled and fertilized for their labors to really grow. We apologize for not posting lately, but with the school year coming to a close we have had a full plate to digest. Thank you for visiting, and we hope you continue to help make our dream a reality.

We were really excited for the children to have chickens to raise here at Lakota Waldorf School. All together we have nine chicks that will be a part of our school. 

We appreciate our friend Kira, a Waldorf Teacher from Stuttgart Waldorf School in Germany, come and work with our teachers for two weeks. She donated her time to help our teachers polish their skills while visiting our region. We will miss her help and presence at the school.

We were glad to have our Ojibwe friends from Duluth, MN come and visit our school. Julie, Anthony, and Reyna were here to stop by and get a better understanding of what our dream is here at Lakota Waldorf School. Their new friendship will carry on for years to come. We hope to help them achieve their dream of a possible Ojibwe Waldorf School.

For More Information:
Visit our website: Lakota Waldorf School
Add us on Facebook: Lakota Waldorf Facebook
Follow us on Twitter: @LakotaWaldorf

Thank You!