Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Lakota Waldorf School 
wishes you all a very festive and humble Christmas Holiday
as well as a very blessed New Year!! 

Children have worked on their special gifts to parents.  
As they are now on Holiday!! 

We are so very thankful to those who have been so kind in donating to our school this year
. We hope that you share our mission and also hope that you inspire others to join in helping our school prosper. Blessings to all!!

If you would like to donate or learn more please visit our website @

“Live through deeds of love, and let others live with tolerance for their unique intentions.”

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thank You Brooklyn Waldorf School!!

The Lakota Waldorf School has been extremely happy to receive a monetary donation from the Brooklyn Waldorf School. 

Betsy Gimenez and her 8th grade class sponsored a Thanksgiving fundraiser during their assembly on behalf of the Lakota Waldorf School.

Every contribution is greatly appreciated and we send our heartfelt Thank You.
Wopila Tanka for your Support!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Lakota Waldorf School would like to extend our sincerest gratitude for your donations, blessings, and continued support over the years. 

Because of your generosity, we have been able to move forward in our educational and service goals to the Children here on the Pine Ridge Reservation. We continue to exist because you cared enough to contribute. "Thank You" for your commitment to our students and their education.

As the season of Christmas is upon us, what would have more value than gifting the children with a brighter hopeful future? We do need and wish to have the continued support of donors like you to fund the essential aspects of this initiative. We would not be successful in our mission to increase the effectiveness of our school without your financial contribution.

We encourage you to share our blog and to continue to share our School mission with all. 

The children are our future, and they are better equipped to lead because of your commitment to their Success.

~May my soul bloom in love for all existence. (Rudolf Steiner)~